I use two theories on career development to work with students. In the first, Super's Life Span Life Space model explains how different stages of life provide different opportunities for the self concept and identity to develop as it relates to being a part of the working world. It also provides a framework for prioritizing the various roles that one plays throughout life while balancing the need for work. This conceptualization is a key starting point for helping guide students to make college and career choices that are appropriate for their quality life goals.
In the other, Holland's Theory of Career Choice, helps me help students by providing a framework for understanding the general types of interests that lead to meaningful work. Interest, aptitude, and values inventories along with motivational interviewing help students clearly define their vision for college and career.
Growth Activities
In this stage, children are beginning to understand how their strengths, interests, and life expectations will shape the type of work they will do when they grow up. We help children in this area by designing curriculum that helps them understand their self-concept, builds self-esteem, and introduces them to different careers.
Career Assemblies at School
Teacher's Pathway Activities
Vision Boards for Personal Pathway
Exploration Activities
In this stage, students begin to explore different aspects of their interests, knowledge and consider what their future life might look like.
Individual Student Planning Sessions
Metacognition Awareness Assessment
Quality of Life Inventories
Self-Esteem Inventories
Personality Inventories
Sixteen Personality Factor
The Big Five Personality Inventory
Values, Culture and Family
Kuder Skills Assessment
Campbell Interest and Skill Survey
Motivational Interviewing Techniques
Career Inventories
Strong interest Inventory