Counseling Services Available During Distance Learning
Despite the fact that we are unable to have face to face interaction, I am still available to support the students and families of Yokayo Elementary. You can contact me at my office on campus by calling (707) 472-5749 or through email at awyse@uusd.net. You can also message me through the "Contact Me" section located at the bottom of each page of this website.
Parent Referral Form for student counseling services: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Oxiq2zFPw1WYVlP885oOK5IP6cHiVbXKydn8VCCA5mc/edit
Social/Emotional Counseling Groups
I will be holding social/emotional counseling groups throughout distance learning through Zoom meets. To join my Zoom, students can use this recurring link at the specified time for their group: https://uusd.zoom.us/j/8430787094
passcode: missamy
The link to our groups can also be found in my Google Classroom, which students will be invited to as groups are formed. The link to my Google Classroom is: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MTIzNDU4MTI1MTEz
and the code is: rpxgqwx
Students may be referred to counseling groups through the parent referral form found in the Yokayo Elementary Parent Handbook, by their teachers, or through data retrieved through the Aeries system.
Miss Amy's Virtual Classroom
Please feel free to stop by my virtual office anytime and click away! There are tons of resources for students and parents found in each room. My virtual classroom is fun to browse through and offers tips for all types of issues, as well as parenting tips if needed. Come on in anytime, the door is always open!